
Why is my electric bill so high in 2022? And how do I fix it?

If you're wondering why your electric bill is so high, you're not alone. Due to continued supply-chain repercussions two years into the pandemic, along with geopolitical turmoil that's now affecting the energy market, many large, U.S. metropolitan areas have seen higher bills.  According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the national average residential rate increased by 8% compared to 2021, and in Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, and New York, consumers saw an increase of about 15%.

In my decade or so of working in the residential energy sector, I can tell you that this is a dramatic spike. Fortunately, there are several solutions that help, especially for homeowners looking to go beyond basic energy-saving tips.

In this article, I'll explore why electric bills are spiking and introduce a major energy-saving tip you probably haven't heard about.

Why your electric bill is so high: An explanation

There are many reasons why electric bills are higher these days. We're still dealing with supply-chain issues from the ongoing pandemic, geopolitical conflict is affecting energy prices, and extreme weather events — like those that impacted the Texas grid — are becoming more frequent. All have an effect on your energy bill, whether with increased consumption or increased price.

For instance, with more people resuming leisure travel and businesses back to normal operations, demand for energy has increased. Like many other sectors, energy companies are struggling to source materials and labor necessary to meet the demand, therefore, pushing up prices.

But there's another, often unexpected reason for higher electric bills: higher rates on that extra consumption. With most household items, the more you buy, the more you save per unit — hence, the logic of bulk purchases. But electricity is different.

The reason why your electricity bills are so high is that the more electricity you use, the more you pay per unit of electricity. So, if your electricity bill is twice as high as usual, it's not simply because you used twice as much electricity. It's more likely that your utility is charging you more per kilowatt hour for that extra energy beyond your typical base rate.

If your typical electricity usage is 900 kWh per month, and your average cents per kWh is $0.15, you would pay something around $135 per month.

Let's say recently you've used 30 percent more energy, or 1,170 kWh. If your utility starts charging you a higher rate of $0.25 cents per kWh anywhere above 1,000 kW, you'll end up paying $192.50. But $192.50 is far more than 30 percent — the amount of additional energy consumed — it's 42.5 percent. That extra 12.5 percent is what we experts in the industry call a "double whammy."

   Before pandemic    After pandemic
   Electricity consumption    900 kWh    1,170 kWh
   Rate: Cents per kWH    $0.15    $0.15 (and $0.25 for 170 kWh)
   Total electric bill    $135    $192.50
   Percentage increase in your electricity  consumption (kWh)    30%
   Percentage increase in your electric bill ($)    42.5%

Another reason your electricity bill could be high is that you're wasting a lot of energy. According to Connect4Climate, about 35% of residential energy consumption is wasted. Keep reading to learn how you can better monitor and regulate your energy usage in your home.

Ways to save electricity that go beyond the basics

Most of us know about common ways to save energy, so I won't spend much time telling you to turn off the lights.

However, one question I hear often is, "Do you really save energy by unplugging appliances?" The short answer to that is, "Yes." According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, standby power accounts for as much as 10 percent of your total home energy use[2] — another reason why your electric bill may be so high.

When it comes to appliances, my advice is to balance effort and reward. Unplugging your cell phone charger may only save a few cents a month, so you could let that go. But there may be an old heater or spare TV in your basement that's eating up $10 a month.

The Wiser Energy app that helps you find why your electric bill is so high

How to discover hidden electricity waste

But wait, how would you ever notice this basement energy hog? What about other sources of waste? Unless you want to look up the power draw for each one of your electronics, it's going to be tough to make informed decisions about how to save energy, either through unplugging appliances or other actions.

There's an easier way to do this. It involves something called a home energy monitor. The Wiser Energy™ home energy monitor is special because it can measure electricity use for each device in your home. Wiser Energy combines an app with an internet-connected smart device that easily clips onto your home's electrical panel.

The cool thing about Wiser Energy is that it can make even your 25-year-old dishwasher "connected." The system's machine learning detects the dishwashers' unique electrical signature, and then tracks it whenever it turns on and off. It's like a wearable fitness tracker, but for your home.

Once Wiser Energy learns your home's devices, it monitors when they turn on/off, how long they run, and how much electricity each one uses. From there, you can set monthly savings targets, spot energy waste, and estimate your next electric bill. It answers the main question of this blog post, "Why is my electric bill so high?" by showing you exactly where you're using energy, and thereby demystifying your bill.

In the video below, a Wiser Energy user explains how the system works. He used the app to find energy waste hiding in unexpected places, such as a refrigerator that was drawing extra energy. The culprit? A failing compressor.

Lower electric bills and fewer surprises

Homes are full of surprises. An oven gets left on. An AC unit fails right before a heat wave. Your teenager sneaks home after curfew. In each of these cases, Wiser Energy gives you clues to the mysteries. The app allows you to:

  • Receive custom alerts when an oven is left on, a refrigerator door is left open, and other safety or nuisance issues
  • Predict and detect appliance problems (e.g., a furnace that takes three ignition cycles to start instead of one, a clogged filter) before they fail
  • See an activity log of your home's energy use (like when exactly did the garage door open last night when your teenager got home?)

A host of electrical devices that can be used with the Wiser app that helps save energy at home

The basis for smarter home energy decisions

Until now, there were still so many unknowns when it comes to your electric bill.

Fortunately, with technology like Wiser Energy, you can finally begin to see what's going on with each light bulb, appliance, and outlet. Armed with that intel, you can make better decisions about what appliances to unplug, what light bulbs to replace, what appliances need servicing, and so much more.

For a deeper dive into the world of Wiser Energy, head here first. You'll find product information, app features, and other handy information.

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